
Logos 7: What’s New? is unavailable, but you can change that!

Logos 7 is here! And it is packed full of new features and tools to assist you with biblical research and sermon/lesson preparation! Some enhancements are obvious, as they reside on the menus or in the Guides. Others are more subtle, but still powerful. Allow us to help you discover and implement immediately these new Logos 7 features. The ALL NEW What’s New in Logos 7 Training Manual,...

Years ago, when I first became a disciple of Jesus, I read several books that changed me forever. First, J.B. Phillips authored a small book entitled Your God is too Small in which he said most people do not have a concept of God that keeps pace with modern needs. Then A.W. Tozer wrote in The Knowledge of the Holy that what we think about God is the most important thing about us. Finally, The Names of God by Andrew Jukes taught that God has revealed much about Himself through His
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